Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Paul Johnson, Murder / Mystery / Thriller / Suspense

Paul Johnson, Murder/Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, author - Paul Johnson is 29 and  ¾. He says that with the smiley face symbol. He could be considered as an author with all the rights of its definition, but the word creative artist might be more fitting. To describe him in those terms would require a further question. What kind of artist? The Canadian, native who was born and continues to live in Calgary, Alberta, has always dabbled in art in some form or another. From a songwriter to making lotion, video editor, to an urban photography, Johnson’s love for creativity has constantly guided his footsteps and been a major source of his income. No matter the city, the time or place, he was drawn to creativity like a moth to a fire. Johnson, who†¦show more content†¦This suspenseful mystery volume was developed over a course of experiences and different times in Johnson’s life and was almost ‘unintentionally’.† In this book, Paul wanted readers to follow his character Jayson Patrick who was marred by the normality of human changes; breakups, self-doubt, addiction and other challenges. Johnson was asked to give us an insight into his character. He said this. â€Å"Jayson Patrick extraordinary or special it is his resilience in the face of those circumstances that are extraordinary. His vulnerability and the fact that he is only qualified to be a part of these exploits by circumstance. He is a man facing many of the challenges that many of us do while having unbelievable circumstances thrown his way. This is a character you may not wish to emulate but one that I hope readers grow to care about as they watch him develop as a person.† Paul is nearly 10,000 words into the first draft of [Criminal?] successors. He doesn’t use an outline for his stories but keeps extensive notes to ensure that the details and the continuity remain at the level and quality that he desires. And unlike [Criminal?], which is a novella, the â€Å"second installment† of the series is a set to be a full-length novel. As creative as he is, Johnson says that the hardest thing about writing is creating a story from the idea in your mind, then sharing it with others, who must in turn, understand the thoughts that

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